
Semantic UI 2.0.0 发布,前端界面开发框架





Semantic UI 2.0.0 发布,更新内容如下:



  • Modal -如果你的 modal 有图片内容,那么你需要在父元素使用图片内容。因为 flex 规则要求父样式,previoustable-row 规则不要求。

  • Modal - Modal 现在只能在匹配禁用和启用选择器的按钮中关闭。任意按钮都要在匹配其中一个选择器的点击下才能隐藏 modal,或者 call$('.ui.modal').modal('hide') onclick。

  • 网格 - 废弃页面网格,因为页面网格样式响应页面内容 

  • 下拉- 下拉功能现在会根据现有的可用屏幕空间来改变打开方向,可以强制打开方向({ direction: 'upward'})

  • 表单验证 - 表单验证现在通过一个字段对象传递设置。

  • 复选框 - 复选框 fireOnInit 现在默认是 false。

  • 下拉功能 - 下拉项描述在默认主题中是浮动的,而且应该被包含在其他项内容的前面 

  • 表单 - 内联分组字段不再水平显示

  • 输入 - 在图标输入中,除非是链接图标,已经移除了 pointer-events 

  • 弹出 - 弹出不再默认是唯一的。弹出一个的时候不需要再关闭其他可见的弹出

  • 颜色 - 默认颜色调整,只会轻微的改变你的设计

  • Segment - Segment 不再默认包含 clearfix 

  • Rail - Rail 现在使用 border-box 来代替 content-box

  • 菜单 - 移除了分层菜单

  • Tab - onTabInit 和 onTabLoad 重命名为 onFirstLoad 和 onLoadrespectively

  • Button - 宽度变更使用 numbers 2 wide,移除了 3 wide,因为不兼容一些构建工具。请使用 two wide 或者 three wide 代替

  • Video - 未公开的视频模块重命名为 embed,行为是一样的,但是用户需要调整他们的 JavaScript 初始化为 $('.ui.embed').embed(); 

  • API - 当请求错误(504, 404 etc), aborted (page change or CORS) 或者 JSON 没有通过 successTestfunction 的时候,API onFailure 被称之为 in all failure conditions

新 UI 元素

  • Container - Containers are fixed width containers meant for holding page contents, and are a simpler alternative to ui page grid, view more examples in docs

  • Multiselect - New multiple dropdown types have been added. Many new dropdown improvements have been added including tagging/tokenizing features and loading data through API requests.

  • Embed - New embed component allows for responsive iframe embeds that maintain their aspect ratio. Embed can be used with YouTube or Vimeo videos, along with placeholder content to avoid loading third party libraries until a user chooses to interact with the video.


  • Site - 添加新的颜色:橄榄,紫色,棕色和灰色 Thanks @lemartialou

  • API - API can now be used with mocked responses, and custom AJAX requests.mockResponse has been added to resolve request with a prespecified JSON object, or a synchronous function callback.

  • API mockResponseAsync has been added for custom asynchronous requests. This allows you to specify a custom async callback to resolve an API request, helping with integration with libraries like Ember or Angular that may wrap AJAX requests.

  • API - API callbacks now have an onResponse callback that can adjust a servers response before it is parsed by other callbacks for success or failure conditions. Thanks@mnquintana

  • API - API now provides a local caching setting to avoid server roundtrips for identical urls by using cache: 'local'. This is not enabled by default. Local caching is useful for results that should return the same values across a single session, for example when querying an autocomplete.

  • Card - Cards now support multiple custom content blocks. Content blocks and images can now appear in any order.

  • Checkbox - Checkbox no longer require javascript to function.

  • Checkbox - Added support for indeterminate checkboxes, along with new stylings.

  • Checkbox - Now includes separate behaviors for triggering state changes without invoking callbacks set checked vs checked

  • Dropdown - Added remote API integration with dropdown, to allow search selection to query against a remote dataset.

  • Dimmer - Dimmers now have a blurring variation which apply a glass-like effect when dimmed

  • Dropdown - Dropdowns now automatically observe changes in menu and will update selector cache with new additions

  • Dropdowns - Added ability to add custom choices to all search selection dropdowns (multi/single) using allowAdditions: true setting. Search now displays error messages on no results in all cases.

  • Dropdown - Keyboard shortcuts have been added for selecting dropdown choices, for example "N" will scroll to "New York" in a state selection list, similar to native <select>behavior.

  • Dropdown - Added new dropdown variation scrolling dropdown and scrolling menu, this can be used to include a scrollable section inside a dropdown menu.

  • Dropdown - Dropdown will automatically animate upward if there is not enough space to appear below.

  • Dropdown - Using page up and page down keys will now scroll menus by a page at a time

  • Form - Forms now use flexbox for creating field groups. Inline fields now support (x) widesizing using flex

  • Grid - Grids now use flexbox, columns are now all equal height by default. New flexbox alignment types like stretch have been added for easier vertical alignment.

  • Multiple UI - Many components now use flexbox, which means previous confusing fixes likefont-size: 0; to remove white-space from inline block is no longer necessary. Removing this hack, now means any element can be a direct child of grid or menu.

  • Modal - Added new settings blurring and inverted which automatically set a modal's dimmer to either inverted or blurring.

  • Menu - Menu now uses flexbox. This allows menu items to match each others heights regardless of each items content size. right menu content should now follow other menu content instead of preceding it (no longer uses float).

  • Grid - Grids are now flexbox and equal height by default, the equal height variation can safely be removed

  • Popup - Popup has been rewritten to drastically improve performance, especially when testing multiple positions.

  • Transition - Fallback javascript animations have been removed from UI components like dropdown and popup to increase performance. This removes need for expensive pseudo selectors like :visible, :animated and :hidden and reduces filesize.

  • Form Validation - Form validation now uses a single settings object like other modules. Using (fields, settings) will continue to work but will produce a deprecation notifications inconsole

  • Form Validation - Form validation now supports many new validation rules, including some specifically for use with multiple select values.

  • Item - Items now uses flexbox for layout.

  • Message - icon message now uses flexbox for layout

  • Menu - vertical tabular menu, a vertical tab menu, has been added

  • Input - All input types use flexbox for layout

  • Segment - Segments now support complex nesting, many new rules for how segment groups should appear inside groups

  • Segment - New horizontal segment groups make laying out auto resizing text columns much easier.

  • Sidebar - iOS will now correctly report scrollTop values for document or body when using a sidebar. Chrome on iOS no longer has issues with fixed content not sticking immediately when using a sidebar.

  • Shapes - Shapes now correctly adjusts for margin on sides

  • Steps - Steps now use flexbox, fluid steps now center content inside each step

  • Steps - Steps no longer need item count and will automatically divide evenly

  • Transition - Transition code has been optimized to increase performance. 100% improvement on first animation, and 40% improvement on subsequent animations.

  • Visibility - Using .visibility({ type: 'fixed'}) will now automatically add a placeholder element which will swap places with an element when it is attached to the viewport. This should make fixed content drastically simpler.

  • Visibility - Visibility and sticky now use a more performant pub/sub pattern that will only attach a single event to context scroll.

  • Visibility - Added two new visibility callbacks onOnScreen and onOffScreen, which occur, most obviously when an element first appears in or out of a browser's viewport.


  • Site - Added many new site variables, including the ability to control input size across all UIinputPadding, along with more border colors, accents, and colors.

  • Accordion - adds onOpening and onClosing callback (before animation) to go with onOpen,onClose (after animation) Thanks @cluppric

  • Accordion - Added on setting for specifying accordion trigger event.

  • Activity Feed - Activity feed has been rewritten to use flexbox

  • API - API now has new settings throttleFirstRequest and interruptRequests. Interrupt requests will abort a previous request on an element when making a new request.throttleFirstRequest, sets whether the first request or only subsequent requests should be throttled when a throttle duration is specified.

  • Build Tools - Build tools will now display pre-specified errors when a theme file is missing or an element specifies an unavailable theme.

  • Build Tools - Adjusting site.variables will now rebuild all UI, instead of just site.less

  • Button - Added :focus styles for all button types, all button examples in docs now are keyboard focusable using either <button> or tabindex where appropriate.

  • Card - Card now includes a centered variation

  • Checkbox - Checkbox will now gracefully correct behaviors invoked on the child input element instead of the ui checkbox.

  • Checkbox - Reduced kb size of icon font

  • Divider - vertical divider inside ui grid now accounts for column padding

  • Dropdown - Nested scrolling menus now support keyboard selection, e.g. pressing "A" for apple, and keyboard scrolling.

  • Dropdown - Dropdowns now have match setting to specify whether to match on text,value or both

  • Dropdown - Multi select dropdowns now have new settings for specifying maximum selection count

  • Dropdown - Dropdown has new placeholder setting for setting placeholder text in javascript

  • Dropdown - Added showOnFocus option that lets you specify whether dropdown menu should show on focus

  • Dropdown - fullTextSearch: true now uses fuzzy search (same as ui search)

  • Dropdown - Page down and page up now works with dropdown menus

  • Dropdown - Dropdown initialized with disabled prop on an option will now correctly appear disabled

  • Dropdown - Added disabled item state, disabled items will automatically be skipped with keyboard selection

  • Form - Added a host of new styles for form fields autocompleted by your browser, including autocompleted error, and focus states

  • Form - Added placeholder color rules for IE, ms-input-placeholder

  • Form - Fix errored field dropdown keyboard selection color

  • Form - Adds form success state

  • Form Validation - Added is valid behavior, returns true/false if form is valid

  • Form Validation - Added different[field] rule which requires a field to be different than another field

  • Form Validation - data-validate now takes precedence over other validation matching schemes like name or id

  • Form Validation - New rules for matching against custom regular expressions

  • Form Validation - Form validation now has minCount, maxCount, and exactCount for validating multiple selections

  • Grid - celled grid now removes internal cells on mobile and tablet when used withdoubling grid responsive variation.

  • Grid - Added large screen only and widescreen only responsive variations for grid.

  • Grid - equal width grids now works without row wrappers

  • Grid - rows can now be stretched as well as middle aligned, bottom aligned and top aligned!

  • Grid - Fixed margins on internally celled grid

  • Grid - celled and internally celled grid now use flexbox instead of display: table;

  • Headers - Added new header type sub header, useful for displaying small headers alongside text content. See examples in the header docs

  • Image - Images now include a spaced variation for adding whitespace around images when used inline with text.

  • Input - Added placeholder color rules for IE, ms-input-placeholder

  • Input - Action input now supports multiple buttons, and dropdown

  • Label - Labels now have active and active hover states

  • Label - Label now sets an img height even when not using an image label

  • List - Any content inside a ui list can now be vertically aligned

  • Menu - Add examples/documentation for fixed menu

  • Menu - Added stackable menu variation for simple responsive menus

  • Menu - Added many new variables to menu

  • Menu - Fixed several inheritance issues for dropdown item inside menu appearing as menu item.

  • Menu - Horizontal menus now set a default image size for images / logos

  • Menu - Menus items are now slightly more padded

  • Menu - The hover/active state of dropdown item have been adjusted to match item. Dropdown styles can be themed specifically inside menu.

  • Menu - Vertical dropdown menus are no longer 100% min-width

  • Modal - Modal now uses an adjusted scale in transition in the default theme, that should be more subtle and work better with long modal content.

  • Modal - Modal onApprove and onDeny now receive the activating element as the first parameter. Added documentation about using return false to avoid hiding element on click.

  • Modal - Modal content now uses flex, image content now requires image content class on parent to allow for flex stylings.

  • Popup - Popup now defines a transform-origin so animations will be affected by the direction the element is placed

  • Popup - onShow and onHide callback can now cancel popup from showing or hiding by returning false

  • Popup - Added more size variations for popup mini, tiny

  • Progress - indicating labels now are more legible use separate css variables fromindicating bar color

  • Reveal - Added new active state that allows you to show reveal programatically

  • Search - Cache can now be cleared using $('.search').search('clear cache')

  • Segment - Added padded and very padded segment variations

  • Search - Search now operates off a unique id generated by result position to retrieve results. For example category #1's first result is 'A1' . Previously result titles were used as their "id", which could cause issues with duplicate titles, or results that do not contain a title.

  • Search - Search will now automatically add class category when using type: category.

  • Search - Search will now generate results container if one is not present on init

  • Search - Search now uses em for resizes, making sure it will resize with the surrounding content

  • Search - Search prompt now has focus styles defined if not using ui input

  • Segment - Added clearing segment for cases that need a clearfix.

  • Sidebar - Improved animation performance through performance debugging. Sidebar now caches, width, height, rtl direction on load.

  • Site - Fixed mixed globals @defaultDuration and @transitionDuration usage to use a single variable across all UI @defaultDuration, the same for @defaultEasing and@transitionEasing

  • Site - Added in pageOverflowX variable, default theme hides horizontal scrollbars on body

  • Site - Added default focus colors for all color variations

  • Site - All floating/raised variations now inherit from a global @floatedShadow making theming easier

  • Sticky - Sticky now internally caches current scroll position when cantFit = true to avoid getting DOM property on scroll.

  • Statistic - Added new evenly divided group variation, for example three statistics shows 3 per row

  • Statistic - Statitic group now use flex. Styles have been updated.

  • Steps - Added attached steps, which can now be attached to other UI like segment

  • Tabs - Tab will now manually correct page scroll position when linking to an in-page anchor in a hidden tab

  • Tabs - Added new callbacks onTabVisible and onRequest

  • Tabs - Added parseScripts option, defaults to once parsing inline scripts only first load

  • Table - Adds selectable table variation, which shows hover effect on row when hovering

  • Table - Added vertical alignment variations to ui table

  • Table - Added single line table variation which prevents text from wrapping

  • Transition - Adjusting style or class during a transition, will no longer reset the change after transition completes.

  • Transition - Transition will no longer force visible/hidden with inline styles if onCompletecallback sets visibility.

  • Visibility/Sticky - Visibility and sticky now refresh automatically after page content loading to deal with changes in position from images loading

  • Visibility/Sticky - Visibility now uses pub/sub pattern to greatly improve scroll performance when attaching multiple events

  • Visibility - Visiblity includes a new setting checkOnRefresh which detemrines whether visibility callbacks should occur on resize or refresh

  • Visibility - Visibility image will now wait to lazy load images that are above the current screen position, not just below.

Bugs 修复

  • All Modules - Performance logging now delays 500ms instead of 100ms for console logging to ensure all logs are captured in one group

  • All Modules/Transition - Transitions no longer use rotateZ(0deg) to trigger GPU display of visible state. This causes issues with transform creating new stacking context that can disrupt z-index.

  • Accordion - Fixed bug where exclusive: true could sometimes cause other accordion element animations to get stuck when animating rapidly

  • API - API longer uses readyState = 0 as sole check for request abort, this may accidentally trigger with JSONP or CORS requests.

  • API - Fixed this context of beforeSend to use stateContext not element

  • API - Fixed loadingDuration not correctly delaying requests when invoking with.api('query')

  • Build Tools - Fixes issue with out of date minify dependency causing rules with background: inherit; to be removed.

  • Button - Fixed attached buttons 1px offset when attached to segment and menu (border vs box shadow border)

  • Card - IE11 now can correctly use flexbox cards THanks @Widcket

  • Checkbox - Fix disabled checkbox sometimes displaying hand cursor

  • Checkbox - Fixes nested dropdown inside checkbox causing issues

  • Checkbox - Fix :focus styles only applying if checkbox is unchecked

  • Divider - Hidden divider now correctly hides vertical dividers

  • Divider - Fixes single icon alignment inside vertical divider or horizontal divider

  • Divider - Fixed slight offset in vertical divider when it automatically adjusts to horizontal divider inside a stackable grid

  • Dropdown - focus after changing tabs will no longer cause menu to re-open Thanks@trevorharwell

  • Dropdown - Fix issue with search dropdown refocusing on self the first time after "tabbing" away in Chrome

  • Dropdown - Fixes issue with headers disappearing inside of ui dropdown when nested in ui menu

  • Dropdown - Fixes onChange to fire when input value changes, not just when menu UI changes

  • Dropdown - Dropdowns with transition: none now work correctly.

  • Dropdown - Fixed issue where sortSelect was relying on object key enumeration order which is browser dependent and unreliable. It now uses a sort function which functions the same in all browsers

  • Dropdown - Fixed issue with search selection not changing text when reselecting same value from list

  • Dropdown - Fixed min-width issues causing background to not appear behind unwrapped text with white-space: nowrap

  • Dropdown - Dropdown menu now use same font size as dropdown

  • Dropdown - Fixed dropdown metadata attribute caching causing issues with React integration

  • Dropdown - Fixed border radius on sub menu when aligned left

  • Dropdown - Fixed inline dropdown icon not aligning with content

  • Dropdown - Fixed behaviors called on <select> after initialization not being correctly applied to ui dropdown

  • Dropdown - Fixed issue with matching boolean values, and using set selected with trueor false

  • Dropdown - Fixed search dropdown submitting parent form when enter shortcut pressed

  • Dropdown - Fixed dropdown menu items should not center inside of a center aligned container.

  • Dropdown - Fixed some cases where onChange would not occur for values matching equality against '', for example 0

  • Form - Form will no longer set a height for textarea using the rows property

  • Form - inline fields are now 1em and do not match label's reduced size

  • Form - field inside fields no longer produce double sized margins.

  • Form - Form sizes and input sizes now inherit from site.variables

  • Form Validation - Fixed bug causing match rule not to work as expected.

  • Form Validation - Fixed clear and reset causing validation error to appear on checkbox if empty rule was set on checkbox.

  • Form Validation - Form validation now validates correctly on <select> change

  • Form - Fixed autocompleted ui selection dropdown having dropdown icon z-index issues

  • Form/Input - ui labeled input inside form will no longer escape column width. ui fluid input will now use input widths shorter than browser default.

  • Grid - Fixed responsive styling for grid types, more consistent display for divided, celled,on mobile

  • Grid - Fix doubling row not working correctly inside a different doubling grid (css spec issue)

  • Grid - Fix doubling grid incorrectly applying width to (x) column row

  • Grid - First column on stackable grid no longer receives top margin

  • Grid - x column wide inside equal width/height now cannot grow beyond column size

  • Grid - Fixes colored grid columns not appearing when not nested in rows

  • Icon - Fixes ascending and descending icon being swapped

  • Icon - Fixes phone icon only appearing as alias call

  • Image - rounded image and circular image now apply border radius to all child elements, fixing dimmers, and other content rounding

  • Input - Fixed improper left padding on transparent left icon input Thanks @zxfwinder

  • Input - Fixed placeholder color not changing correctly on focus Thanks @zxfwinder

  • Input - Fixed right padding on labeled input that were not corner labeled

  • Label - Labels inside header now vertical align better by accounting for line height offset

  • List - horizontal list are now aligned middle by default, while vertical lists are alignedtop.

  • List - Fixes numbers not appearing when using inverted ordered list Thanks @pcj

  • List - a elements inside a ui list will no longer apply styles on ui elements like buttonThanks @ahtinurme

  • List - Fixed divided bulleted list child lists getting wrong indent

  • List - Bullets and numbers are no longer selectable in bulleted list and ordered list

  • List - Fixed inverted bulleted list bullet color

  • List - Fix first element touches border on ui horizontal celled list

  • List - Added many new variables for link stylings inside list, added separate variables and defaults for child-list spacing

  • Loader - Fix position of inline centered loader to be centered correctly

  • Message - Message now uses @lineHeight from site.variables

  • Menu - Fixed menus like left fixed right fixed are all now class order dependent.

  • Menu - Fixed 1px border on last element of inline menus like pagination menu or compact menu

  • Modal - Modal no longer hides page scroll bar causing dimmed page content to jump positions.

  • Modal - Fixed bug where clicking an element detached from dom would cause modal to hide prematurely

  • Modal - Clicking on other modals will no longer close open modal when allowMultiple: true

  • Modal - Fixed scrolling class not being removed after opening a normal modal after ascrolling modal.

  • Message - Updated all message colors for legibility

  • Message - Close icon position adjusted to align with headers

  • Menu - Fixes divider appears on last element of (x) item menu

  • Menu - Fixed top attached menu not having margin-top, and bottom attached menu not having margin-bottom

  • Menu - Menu now has a min-height that matches standard item padding

  • Menu - dropdown menu in a secondary pointing menu or tabular menu now receive distinct active styling from other active item

  • Menu - Fixed arrow position in pointing menu to be more consistent, round to exact pixels and account for arrow border width

  • Menu - Fix issue with pointing arrow having too high a z-index and appearing above ui dropdown menu

  • Modal - scrollable modal now correctly adds padding below modal

  • Modal - Modal with detachable: false inside ui sidebar pusher element will now show correctly

  • Popup - Popup now correctly adjusts if data attributes change

  • Popup - Fixes issue with min-width in firefox exceeding max-width causing element to not wrap correctly

  • Popup - Popup will now produce an error message and not mistakenly appear in the top left corner of page, if called with a popup or target that does not exist.

  • Popup - Popup will no longer appear incorrectly if the targeted element is not visible on page

  • Popup - Fixed bug which could cause pre-existing inline popup to be removed from DOM after hiding

  • Popup - Fixes popup offstage position calculations with pages including horizontal scrollbars

  • Popup - Added addTouchEvents to specify whether touch events should be added to trigger popup on mobile

  • Progress - Fixed bug where percentage complete values between 0-1% would display incorrectly (0.5% would show as 50%)

  • Rail - Rail 100% height now uses border-box to ensure exact height match to container

  • Rating - Rating now correctly adjusts if data attributes change

  • Reveal - Removed masked reveal, all reveals are masked by default

  • RTL - Fixed rtl: 'both' in semantic.json not building both versions of source correctly.

  • Search - Search will no longer incorrectly produce an error when API settings are passed through metadata

  • Sidebar - Top/Bottom sidebar will now show scroll bars correctly when taller than 100% page height

  • Sidebar - Fixed bug where having a style[title] in page causing page not to be pushed correctly

  • Sidebar - Last menu item now has a border when sidebar and menu are used together

  • Segment - Segment groups can now be raised or piled or stacked

  • Search - Fixed category search not applying active styles correctly to category names

  • Search - Fixed onSelect not returning the correct value when using type: category

  • Search - Fixed onSelect returning the first term that matches the beginining of the selected value not the exact value.

  • Search - Fix loading search with an icon button causing double loaders.

  • Search - searchFields setting now correctly replaces default fields instead of adding the user fields to defaults

  • Search - Calls to set value or query now obey minCharacterLength

  • Search - Search API calls now use the same level debug settings as search

  • Steps - Fixes bug where ordered steps had smaller numbers in IE10

  • Steps - Fixed bug where stackable steps were not working correctly

  • Sticky - Fix issue with sticky content scroll css transition causing element to scroll too slowly when cannot fit on screen.

  • Sticky - Fix issues when pushing: true with sticky content having incorrect bottom spacing, when container has bottom padding

  • Sticky - Fixed issue with sticky content animating width on display in some cases.

  • Tab - multiple tab groups initialized together with context: 'parent' will now each use their own parent

  • Tab - Tabs now use the standard component design pattern internally

  • Table - Fixes sorted column are not correctly centered with center aligned due to margin on sort icon

  • Table - Fixes ascending and descending icons were reversed in table

  • Table - very basic table now works together with padded table

  • Table - Fix inheritance of text alignment and vertical alignment

  • Transition - Fixed bug where transition out would cause unwanted focus event in IE if element has focus

  • Transition - Calling an out animation during an in animation with queue: false now correctly calls the complete event of the original animation

  • Transition - Fixed bug where transition could sometimes not occur when an element was determined to always be hidden


  • All Modules - All modules now default to verbose: false

  • Accordion - Accordion no longer sets a font-size to better couple with other components defaults

  • Button - Button focus color now uses hoverColor background instead of blue box shadow

  • Button - basic colored button now grow their border size to 2px in default theme on hover

  • Breadcrumb - Fixed breadcrumb em rounding, adjusted distance in default theme

  • Card - Card styles have been adjusted, link card now raise to show selection. Colored variations now have shadows.

  • Checkbox - Toggle now uses @primaryColor

  • Dropdown - Dropdown padding values now resolve to exact pixel values from em

  • Dropdown - item description is now floated by default

  • Feed - Removed extra text pointer border

  • Form - set value no longer automatically calls validate form

  • Grid - Small computer page grid gutters have been adjusted from 8% to 3% to allow for roomier layouts on small screens.

  • Grid - Vertically divided grids now double row spacing to account for dividers

  • Grid - center aligned no longer centers rows, just text. Use centered grid to center a grid column on the page.

  • Header/Table/Divider - These components now pull border color defaults fromsite.variables instead of using their own values

  • Image - avatar image size has been slightly decreased

  • Image - mini image default width has been increased to 35px

  • Item - item description now longer sets a max-width

  • Icon - disabled icon now have pointer-events again.

  • Label - Label size now varies by type. pointing label are now 1em by default.

  • Label - Padding on corner label has been increased

  • Input - Input now use em instead of rem so they will inherit the size of the elements they are nested inside

  • Progress - Update contrast on indicating, update default styles. Fixed some examples

  • Menu - Menu now uses border for borders instead of box-shadow

  • Menu - secondary pointing menu has had some slight design tweaks, thinner lines, more padding

  • Menu - Active sub-menu items are now bold

  • Menu - Menus no longer have additional borders on active item in the default theme

  • Menu - tiered menu has been removed

  • Menu - Increased contrast on inverted menu selection for legibility

  • Modal - Modals now used fixed widths and not percentage widths. Widths might be slightly different.

  • Modal - Modal no longer observes DOM changes by default, added setting to enable

  • Message - Slightly increases box-shadow

  • Popup - Popups now default to exclusive: false and will not hide other popups when opening

  • Popup - Popup no longer produces a console error when a position cannot be found on the page.

  • Rating - Rating styles have been adjusted to use subtle transitions and tweaked color values.

  • Segment - Clearfix has been removed from ui segment

  • Sidebar - Sidebar legacy animations have been removed. 3D transforms are now available in all supported browsers.

  • Search - Slightly adjusted search result theme for clarity

  • Segment - Segment now uses border for border instead of a second box-shadow, this may adjust position by 1pixel

  • Statistic - Statistic label styles have been updated

  • Site - Additional font variables have been added to site to help clarify variable purpose.

  • Site - Increase contrast on default hovered/down colors for colored variations

  • Site - Page background is now #FFFFFF by default instead of an offwhite #F7F7F7

  • Site - Adjusted global line height to the closest even pixel value

  • Table - Table header colors and padding defaults have been slightly adjusted

  • Table - Horizontal cell padding has been slightly reduced, and cell borders are slightly lighter.

  • Transition - Transition no longer checks for vendor prefixed animation-name css property. This was introduced in jQuery 1.8

  • Transition - Some transition have been modified so that the in animation is more telegraphed than the out animation, which may now recede more gently.

  • Visibility - In returned calculations object, visible and hidden are renamed to onScreenand offScreen, since this describes more accurately what the value represent

